
ABAP : SY- 변수

밋첼™ 2011. 8. 8. 13:03
정말 자주 사용하는 녀석은 몇 안되지만... 가끔 사용하는 녀석들을 기억하기 위해서도 메모~

SY-ABCDE - Constant: Alphabet (A, B, C, ...)

SY-APPLI - SAP applications

SY-BATCH - Background active (X)

SY-BATZD - Background SUBMIT: Daily

SY-BATZM - Background SUBMIT: Monthly

SY-BATZO - Background SUBMIT: Once

SY-BATZS - Background SUBMIT: Immediately

SY-BATZW - Background SUBMIT: Weekly

SY-BINPT - Batch input active (X)

SY-BREP4 - Background SUBMIT: Root name of request report

SY-BSPLD - Background SUBMIT: List output to spool

SY-CALLD - CALL mode active (X)

SY-CALLR - Print: ID for print dialog function

SY-CCURS - Rate specification/result field (CURRENCY CONVERT)

SY-CCURT - Table rate from currency conversion

SY-CDATE - Date of rate from currency conversion

SY-COLNO - Current column during list creation

SY-CPAGE - Current page number

SY-CPROG - Runtime: Main program

SY-CTABL - Exchange rate table from currency conversion

SY-CTYPE - Exchange rate type 'M','B','G' from CURRENCY CONVERSION

SY-CUCOL - Cursor position (column)

SY-CUROW - Cursor position (line)

SY-DATAR - Flag: Data received

SY-DATLO - Local date for user

SY-DATUM - System: Date

SY-DATUT - Global date related to UTC (GMT)

SY-DAYST - Summertime active ? ('daylight saving time')

SY-DBCNT - Number of elements in edited dataset with DB operations

SY-DBNAM - Logical database for ABAP/4 program

SY-DBSYS - System: Database system

SY-DCSYS - System: Dialog system

SY-DSNAM - Runtime: Name of dataset for spool output

SY-DYNGR - Screen group of current screen

SY-DYNNR - Number of current screen

SY-FDAYW - Factory calendar weekday

SY-FDPOS - Location of a string

SY-FMKEY - Current function code menu

SY-HOST - Host

SY-INDEX - Number of loop passes

SY-LANGU - SAP logon language key

SY-LDBPG - Program: ABAP/4 database program for SY-DBNAM

SY-LILLI - Number of current list line

SY-LINCT - Number of list lines

SY-LINNO - Current line for list creation

SY-LINSZ - Line size of list

SY-LISEL - Interact.: Selected line

SY-LISTI - Number of current list line

SY-LOCDB - Local database exists

SY-LOCOP - Local database operation

SY-LOOPC - Number of LOOP lines at screen step loop

SY-LSIND - Number of secondary list

SY-LSTAT - Interact.: Status information for each list level

SY-MACDB - Program: Name of file for matchcode access

SY-MACOL - Number of columns from SET MARGIN

SY-MANDT - Client number from SAP logon

SY-MARKY - Current line character for MARK

SY-MAROW - No. of lines from SET MARGIN statement

SY-MODNO - Number of alternative modi

SY-MSGID - Message ID

SY-MSGLI - Interact.: Message line (line 23)

SY-MSGNO - Message number

SY-MSGTY - Message type (E,I.W,...)

SY-MSGV1 - Message variable

SY-MSGV2 - Message variable

SY-MSGV3 - Message variable

SY-MSGV4 - Message variable

SY-OPSYS - System: Operating system

SY-PAART - Print: Format

SY-PAGCT - Page size of list from REPORT statement

SY-PAGNO - Runtime: Current page in list

SY-PDEST - Print: Output device

SY-PEXPI - Print: Spool retention period

SY-PFKEY - Runtime: Current F key status

SY-PLIST - Print: Name of spool request (list name)

SY-PRABT - Print: Department on cover sheet

SY-PRBIG - Print: Selection cover sheet

SY-PRCOP - Print: Number of copies

SY-PRDSN - Print: Name of spool dataset

SY-PREFX - ABAP/4 prefix for background jobs

SY-PRIMM - Print: Print immediately

SY-PRNEW - Print: New spool request (list)

SY-PRREC - Print: Recipient

SY-PRREL - Print: Delete after printing

SY-PRTXT - Print: Text for cover sheet

SY-REPID - Program: Name of ABAP/4 program

SY-RTITL - Print: Report title of program to be printed

SY-SAPRL - System: SAP Release

SY-SCOLS - Columns on screen

SY-SLSET - Name of selection set

SY-SPONO - Runtime: Spool number for list output

SY-SPONR - Runtime: Spool number from TRANSFER statement

SY-SROWS - Lines on screen

SY-STACO - Interact.: List displayed from column

SY-STARO - Interact.: Page displayed from line

SY-STEPL - Number of LOOP line at screen step

SY-SUBRC - Return value after specific ABAP/4 statements

SY-SUBTY - ABAP/4: Call type for SUBMIT

SY-SYSID - System: SAP System ID

SY-TABIX - Runtime: Current line of an internal table

SY-TCODE - Session: Current transaction code

SY-TFDSN - Runtime: Dataset for data extracts

SY-TFILL - Current number of entries in internal table

SY-TIMLO - Local time for user

SY-TIMUT - Global time related to UTC (GMT)

SY-TITLE - Title of ABAP/4 program

SY-TLENG - Line width of an internal table

SY-TMAXL - Maximum number of entries in internal table

SY-TSTLO - Timestamp (date and time) for user

SY-TSTUT - Timestamp (date and time) related to UTC (GMT)

SY-TVAR0 - Runtime: Text variable for ABAP/4 text elements

SY-TVAR1 - Runtime: Text variable for ABAP/4 text elements

SY-TVAR2 - Runtime: Text variable for ABAP/4 text elements

SY-TVAR3 - Runtime: Text variable for ABAP/4 text elements

SY-TVAR4 - Runtime: Text variable for ABAP/4 text elements

SY-TVAR5 - Runtime: Text variable for ABAP/4 text elements

SY-TVAR6 - Runtime: Text variable for ABAP/4 text elements

SY-TVAR7 - Runtime: Text variable for ABAP/4 text elements

SY-TVAR8 - Runtime: Text variable for ABAP/4 text elements

SY-TVAR9 - Runtime: Text variable for ABAP/4 text elements

SY-TZONE - Time difference from 'Greenwich Mean Time' (UTC) in seconds

SY-UCOMM - Interact.: Command field function entry

SY-ULINE - Constant: Underline (---------...)

SY-UNAME - Session: SAP user from SAP logon

SY-UZEIT - System: Time

SY-VLINE - Constant: Vertical bar

SY-WAERS - T001: Company code currency after reading B segment

SY-WILLI - Number of current window line

SY-WINCO - Cursor position in window (column)

SY-WINDI - Index of current window line

SY-WINRO - Cursor position in window (line)

SY-WINSL - Interact.: Selected window line

SY-WINX1 - Window coordinate (column left)

SY-WINX2 - Window coordinate (column right)

SY-WINY1 - Window coordinate (line left)

SY-WINY2 - Window coordinate (line right)

SY-WTITL - Standard page header indicator

SY-XCODE - Extended command field

SY-ZONLO - Time zone of user